The full package deal
Specialized in the development & the management of real estate projects, SquareFootage is a unique company because of its ability to assume the development of each and every phase of a Real Estate project, starting from the dream of a group of entrepreneurs to its realization: it is what we call our integrated services offer.
Doing things differently
Our strength lies in our ability to pinpoint opportunities where most experts only see issues and to transform them into commercial successes. This strength, combined with a culture fostering creativity and unconventional thinking in wide array of fields, enable SquareFootage to yield much larger profit margins for its investors.
Our commitment to our Partners and Investors is based on the following:
We invest in real projects, not in inefficient management companies which are only seeking fees.
Thanks to solid partnerships with key strategic suppliers, we guarantee that we can have the best price/quality balance for all projects developed by SquareFootage.
We providing several tailored options in terms of construction financing for each project. We are very selective and like to buy assets below market value, thus protecting our investors’ investments right from day one.
We focus on added value since we are used to achieving large amounts of work with only key resources onboarded.
We target very niche and quickly achievable projects capable of withstanding to economic downturns.